New Digital Voice
Recorders |

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slim, sleek & fashionable pen-shape design,
Record time 70 Minmn in long play mode and 35
miniutes in short play mode. Up to 99 files, Easy to
use, Downloadable to your PC the audio output,
Record from other devices with an audio output,
Built in LCD display, LED indicators, Delet all or
any selected file, Automatically shuts off
automatically when not in use to conserve power,
Record contiusally or use the voice activated
option. |
All Accessories
Included: 1 AAA Battery, earphone, cable,
PC software. Perfect
Gift Item
the affordable price, unique shape and design
makes it an ideal gift. |


Click to enlarge
This is our new miniature digital assistant. You
simply cannot
find a digital device out there with all of these features because
there isn't another available like it. Built in MP3
player, built in automatic record time setting by date and time.
Voice on command recording feature, an incredible 128MB of on board
memory. Sure, there are other miniature digital recorders out
there, but none are in this units league.
This unit samples at 32000 bits per second, compare that to
industry standard of 4000 and 8000 bits/second. Most models use
16,32, and 64MB memory modules. This model features 128MB. More
expensive than some other models out there, including some of our
other models. However, if owning the best electronic recorder
is your requirement, look no further.
All Accessories
Included: 1 AAA Battery, earphone, cable,
PC software. Perfect
Gift Item
the affordable price, unique shape and design
makes it an ideal gift!
Voice activated phone recorder adaptor included so
you can record all "Your" Phone
conversations. It's illegal to record phone
conversations without informing all parties
"Do Not Record Others Without Letting Them
Records up to 44 hours of continues audio. The voice
activated feature makes for no "Dead Air"
recordings. |